Thursday, 24 November 2011

Relax, I am still young


是因为理想与现实的差距么,因为浪费了太多的时间么? 所以面对着越来越杯具的面前的障碍,只想躲避,这不就是拖延症的开端么?








Wednesday, 23 November 2011











叔本华钟摆 说的是, 人的一生 都是在 欲望得不到满足的痛苦  和 欲望得到满足 之后的空虚 两头不断摇摆的。

也许是吧,总有一些幸运的人,可以做着一些他喜欢的事情,而不用管最后是不是做成了。可是如果单纯只是为了做一件事情,不管能不能成功是不是也是一种退避呢? 毕竟成功的满足感是多么的强大而让人上瘾呀?

所以如果让一个人坚持不懈的做一件事情,大约大部分时候都是怀有对完成这件事情的憧憬,才可以持续不断的努力吧。 可是到最后反过头来,那段努力不懈的过程也许比最后成功的喜悦更值得怀念。





Friday, 11 November 2011

A few things for configuration after install Ubuntu

1. install system

Nothing to say, just follow the steps, and install update, install additional driver.

2. set up dual monitor,  modify xorg.conf

This should be ATI-Graphic Card Specific problem, you need to modify your xorg.conf to set up your dual monitor.

First, type in the follow comments:
sudo aticonfig --initial
to initialize the xorg.conf, then add a new line:

Virtual 2680 1050  (you should set this number larger than the size required)

under the 'Display' Section.

Please refer to

for more detail.

3. connect to lab printer, smb//nusstu/nts27/

To connect nus soc network print, go Printing->Add-> Network Printer ->Windows Printer via SAMBA ,
then Add smb//[domain]/nts27/[printer], [domain] should be  nusstu or nusstf; [printer] is the printer name you want to connect, said, pst145-dx

4. Install Latex:

apt-get install texlive, or install all the package by apt-get install texlive-full

a few package and plugin recommend: apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended latex-beamer texpower texlive-pictures texlive-latex-extra texpower-examples imagemagick
Please refer to this link for more detail:

for Gedit Latex Plugin, although the package is found by sources, however, seems apt-get install gedit-latex-plugin not working, better download the code from web and install follow the instruction manually.

5. Setting up Iphone Support

There will be an "Unhandled error locked down" problem while connecting iphone to ubuntu, here is the instruction to solve it:

  1. Open terminal, write it: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa
  2. And that, write it: sudo apt-get update
  3. After that, write it: sudo apt-get upgrade
  4. Now, you need to install ifuse. Write it:  sudo apt-get install ifuse
  5. First tool, write it: sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice2
  6. Second tool, write it: sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice-utils
  7. The final step, write it: idevicepair unpair && idevicepair pair

More details can be found via:

6. Install OpenCV in Ubuntu 11.10

6.1 Install OpenCV2.3.1

This is the latest version of OpenCV, and many changes are made compared with eariler versions. It looks now more like the matlab style, the imread..things...

Please follow the instructions carefully from this blog:
and this:

You need to first remove X264, ffmpeg and
sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg x264 libx264-dev

Then install the libs that needed, in fact, in some cases, there are still some libs is not found during make, better locate it and apt-get install...
udo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall git cmake libfaac-dev libjack-jackd2-dev libmp3lame-dev libopencore-amrnb-dev libopencore-amrwb-dev libsdl1.2-dev libtheora-dev libva-dev libvdpau-dev libvorbis-dev libx11-dev libxfixes-dev libxvidcore-dev texi2html yasm zlib1g-dev

sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-0 libgstreamer0.10-dev gstreamer0.10-tools gstreamer0.10-plugins-base libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg

Then download the latest version of x264, ffmpeg and configure,make,make install, if 64bit system are using, pls check some instructions in

then continue apt-get install some packages...
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libjpeg62-dev

Then download the latest version v4l and install

Finally, download the OpenCV, and cmake, make, make install

Hopefully, Everything is OK

6.2 Install OpenCV 2.0

If an eariler version of OpenCV is wanted, please refer to

Please be careful of the following error:

(1) error: 'ptrdiff_t' does not name a type
The solution is very simple: to add an #include <stddef.h> to /usr/include/opencv/cxcore.hpp.

(2) undefined reference to `cvCreateCameraCapture_V4L(int)'
The solution is to disable WEBCAM Support

7. Install Matlab:

Please follow this guide:
To add Matlab Icon to Ubuntu Unity Launcher, please
Get an icon:
sudo wget -O /usr/share/icons/matlab.png

Get an launcher file:
sudo wget '' -O /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop

Downlaod dconf.edit: sudo apt-get install dconf.edit

Open dconf.edit, go to desktop->unity->launcher->favorites, add 'matlab.desktop' to the list.

The only remain problem for matlab is the MEX support, currently the gcc version installed in my computer is too high, so matlab cannot support, but i cannot figure out how to link Matlab to a lower version gcc.

8. Install Juniper Network

In order to use juniper network, please follow this link:

9.  Install some useful applications, this weblink is quite useful, if you don't know what is the software you needed:

To Do List After installing Ubuntu 11.10 aka Oneiric Ocelot

10. To be continued

Sunday, 6 November 2011

午夜巴黎——夜幕降临之前,别忘了读书 | 介乎法国与旺角的诗意

午夜巴黎——夜幕降临之前,别忘了读书 | 介乎法国与旺角的诗意

弗朗西斯•斯科特•菲茨杰拉德(Scott Fitzgerald),美国20年代著名作家,最有名的作品是《了不起的盖茨比》,即《大亨小传》,也就是塞林格在《麦田里的守望者》中借主人公之口反复提到的那本书,描写美国人20年代的生活和精神状态。  
  赛尔妲•菲茨杰拉德(Zelda Fitzgerald),斯科特•菲茨杰拉德的妻子,富家女,有天赋的芭蕾舞者和作家,因生活浮华和情绪多变而著称,当时评论多指责其消费铺张而导致丈夫不得不靠撰写蹩脚的三流小说以谋生。事实上菲茨杰拉德的作品中曾多次借用(或曰抄袭)妻子的书信和日记段落,因此有女权主义者认为菲茨杰拉德毁掉了一位才华胜过他本人的女子。塞尔妲40年代起被诊断为精神失常,后在精神病院的火灾中丧生,与丈夫合葬。
  欧内斯特•海明威(Ernest Hemingway),不多说了。他14岁开始学习拳击,参与过两次世界大战,20年代曾在巴黎短暂居住,与菲茨杰拉德是很好的朋友。后来两人大概因文人相轻而开始互相看不顺眼。赛尔妲则从一开始就不喜欢海明威,说他表里不一,缺乏男子气概,甚至无端断定他是同性恋。海明威则评论说:菲茨杰拉德被女人毁掉了。
  科尔•波特(Cole Porter),美国人,天才的百老汇音乐家,一战期间移居巴黎。电影中出现的插曲Let’s Do It 出自他为1928年的音乐剧《巴黎》所作的配乐。没找到男声版,这里是当年的第一爵士女歌手艾拉•菲茨杰拉德(Ella Fitzgerald)演唱的版本。说起来,这位黑人女歌手好像跟写小说的菲茨杰拉德夫妇木有任何关系。
  约瑟芬•贝克(Josephine Baker),生于美国、移居法国的黑人演员和舞蹈家,被称为“黑珍珠”。影片中跳了一支舞,男主角眼睛都看直了。
  格特鲁德•斯泰因(Gertrude Stein),美国女作家、诗人、艺术收藏家,一生绝大部分时光在巴黎度过。经常举办艺术沙龙,与毕加索、马蒂斯等人来往密切,收藏和支持他们的创作。海明威和菲茨杰拉德也是她家的常客,海明威曾说自己没钱时常去斯泰因家里蹭饭。她在电影中也是一副文艺界教母的气派,很热情地为男主角指点作品。她是当时著名的女同性恋,女友Alice Toklas的名字也有出现。
  巴勃罗•毕加索(Pablo Picasso),不多说了,情妇数不清的主儿。影片里面出现了一张画,似乎并不是毕加索的作品,大概是伍迪•艾伦托伪之作。有没有专家来确认一下?
  杜娜•巴恩斯(Djuna Barnes),美国女作家,作品多以女同性恋生活为主题,整个20年代住在巴黎。尽管她有女性爱人,但并不承认自己是同性恋。影片中与男主角跳了一支舞。
  萨尔瓦多•达利(Salvador Dalí),西班牙超现实主义绘画大师,也不必多说。犀牛和犀牛角是他钟爱的主题元素。在影片中由艾德里安-布洛迪饰演(就是《钢琴师》里面那个热爱肖邦的犹太天才钢琴家)。  
  路易斯•布努埃尔(Luis Buñuel),西班牙国宝级电影人,达利的好友,20年代侨居巴黎。主要作品有与达利合作的《安达鲁之犬》,还有被伍迪•艾伦拿来恶搞的《泯灭天使》——一群人被莫名其妙地困在宴会厅里无法离开的故事。
  曼雷(Man Ray),美国达达和超现实主义艺术家、摄影家,一生有44年在法国度过,以巴黎为创作基地。他曾为《追忆逝水年华》的作者普鲁斯特拍摄遗像——在普鲁斯特逝世一天之后。
  T•S•艾略特 (T. S. Eliot),生于美国的英国诗人。他在《J•阿尔弗瑞德•普鲁弗洛克的情歌(The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock)》中有如下诗句:
  For I have known them all already, known them all—
  Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons,
  I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
  因此影片男主角遇到他时会说:“Listen, where I come from people measure out their lives with coke spoons.”
  亨利•德•图卢兹•劳特雷克(Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec),法国贵族,后印象派画家,海报和版画艺术家。大概因父母是表亲结婚,他患有先天性骨病。年少时摔断大腿,后停止发育,因此是头重脚轻的侏儒外形。
  亨利•马蒂斯 (Henri Matisse),法国野兽派画家。    
  保罗•高更(Paul Gauguin),法国后印象派画家。
  埃德加•德加(Edgar Degas),法国印象派画家、雕塑家。

Friday, 4 November 2011

xorg problem--dual-head, Debian vs. Ubuntu

When using ATI Graphics Card under Ubuntu 11.10, there will be a problem when using dual monitor as follows:

"required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(2560, 1024), minimum=(320, 200), maximum=(1280, 1280)"

The problem can be solved via this by editing the file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf":

xorg problem--dual-head, Debian vs. Ubuntu:

Now open that file in a text-editor and look for a "Screen" section to  which you add a "Display" section, as shown in this example I found on  the internet:  Section "Screen"         Identifier "Default Screen"         Device  "Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express  Integrated Graphics Controller"         Monitor  "Generic Monitor"         DefaultDepth 24          SubSection "Display"             Depth  24             Modes  "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"             # ADD A VIRTUAL LINE TO PROVIDE FOR THE LARGEST SCREENS YOU  WILL HOTPLUG             Virtual              2048 2048         EndSubSection     EndSection  Some more information is available on the man page (man xorg.conf).  From the error message you quoted, you may want to choose at least  Virtual 2680 1050  in your configuration.  Now save the file as /etc/X11/xorg.conf and restart X. Hopefully the  error is now gone. 

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